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Series: My Must Watch Movies | Evansville Wedding Planner

I love watching movies and television shows, especially re-watching ones I've seen a million times. I like to think that my life is a movie of sorts. My friends and family know best that I compare my own and others' situations around me to that of the likes of Sex and the City, Will & Grace, Grey's Anatomy, and other really great shows. I also am pretty obsessed with my old movie favorites like Pretty Woman, Gone with the Wind, and more. Planning a wedding is stressful, y'all. Like, really stressful. Making so many decisions, filtering everyone's opinions, and getting down to the nitty gritty of what you want and how to make it happen can be overwhelming. Yes, of course, having a planner helps TREMENDOUSLY, but at the end of the day, sometimes you still want to clear your brain, put your feet up, and binge-watch Netflix. So, I thought I thought I would put together a little series for you to introduce you to some new movies or reunite you with some old favorites of yours to help you relax and drift into a Hollywood land of make-believe and fairytales. It will make you all warm and fuzzy again about your love and help you enjoy this special, yet quick, time of engagement. Most of these are best watched with a girlfriend!

50 First Dates

Even though 50 First Dates is silly and fun for the most part, it's also super sweet. After being a playboy for some time, Harry (Adam Sandler) falls for Lucy (Drew Barrymore) at a diner in Hawaii. Very soon, he discovers that she suffers from short-term memory loss due to trauma she suffered in a car accident. Her family and friends allow to live in a false reality by going to great lengths to cover up what happened to protect her. Harry, though, takes the time to help her live the fullest life possible, and he tries to woo her again every day so she'll fall in love with him again. Watch this one to find out what happens. My favorite scene: I actually detest many Adam Sandler movies and the stupid songs he makes up, but I REALLY love the scene where he's singing a song he wrote for Lucy by the bonfire. *This one is available on Netflix at the time of this writing.

Sweet Home Alabama

Even though I was born in Evansville, my stepdad was in the Navy, so we moved A LOT when I was younger. We lived in Mississippi for the majority of my life, but we also lived in Florida, and I moved to Alabama when I graduated from Southern Miss. I'm still very much a Southern girl at heart. One of my favorite movies that revolves around a wedding is Sweet Home Alabama. The movie begins with Melanie (Reese Witherspoon), a burgeoning fashion designer, getting swept off her feet by Andrew (Patrick Dempsey), an up-and-coming NYC politician. After they get engaged, she heads back home to Alabama to see her family and address a situation that could certainly put a "kink" in her plans to marry her new love. Josh Lucas plays Jake Perry, Melanie's estranged husband. Halfway through the movie, you're almost as confused as she is... Which one does she choose? You'll have to see it to find out :) My favorite scene: Almost every girl who watches this movie absolutely adores the engagement scene!!

The Way We Were

"Memories like the corners of my mind; misty, water-colored memories of the way we were"

Barbra Streisand, y'all... the featured song from The Way We Were has the power to make me feel and make me cry my eyes out like I'll never love again (even though I'm already married and very much in love with my husband, lol). The star characters Katie (Barbra) and Hubbell (Robert Redford) have a total love-hate relationship that begins in college. They are different in almost every way: politically, socially, spiritually. But something keeps them coming back for more through the years. Are they destined to be together, or are they left to always reminisce about 'they way they were'? This one is such a classic that the writers of Sex and the City pay homage to its greatness in an episode by comparing Katie's and Hubbell's relationship to that of Carrie's and Big's. The raving about the movie and its plot takes an entire scene! It feels a little slow at times, but give it its due; you won't be sorry. My favorite scene: The very last scene... I won't spoil it for you. Do yourself a favor and watch Beyoncé's version of "Memories" as a tribute to the Queen B of 1973 ;)

Okay, those 3 should hold you over until my next post with another set of recommendations. Have you seen any of these? Are you going to watch them? Let me know so we can discuss!

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